The Holistic Church for Humanists is an ATHEISTIC (god-free) Church. It is focused on ethics, self-empowerment, humanistic values, and environmentalism.
This is a Church for Humanists. Why does a Humanist Church call itself Holistic? Good question. Humanism is people-centered to the detriment of all other life forms.
People-centeredness is called “anthropocentrism”. Wikipedia defines anthropocentrism as the belief that humans are “the most important entity in the Universe”. Science Direct states that anthropocentrism is “the ethical belief that humans alone possess intrinsic value. In contradistinction, all other beings hold value only in their ability to serve humans.”
In the words of the philosopher, Constantine Sandis:
“Humanism is just way too focused on one animal”
The truth is we are not superior to other life forms. We are but a fraction of the ecosystem and very much dependent on it. Preserving every part of the ecosystem is essential to our survival.
Anyone who believes him or herself above the ecosystem, ethics, or other people may – or may not be – a Humanist and certainly doesn’t need a church….
The Holistic Church for Humanists is respectful of other religions and their followers. It does not approve of belittling or ridiculing the beliefs of others, religion-bashing or god-bashing.
The Holistic Church for Humanists is inclusive, tolerant, compassionate, and welcoming. We don’t dwell on the existence of “god” or the afterlife and we don’t worship in the conventional sense. Worship is passive. We express our beliefs by taking action for ourselves, the people, and causes we care about.
Holistic Religion (and the Holistic Church for Humanists) is:
Development (or recovery) of the self
Management of the self
Human rights
Tolerance: “live and let live”
Social justice
Healthcare for all
Education for all
Environmental preservation, conservation, and restoration
Counteracting climate change
Ethical treatment of all living creatures
Ethical conduct
Peaceful coexistence
Ethical interdependence
Individual legacy building that includes social and environmental contribution
George Bernard Shaw said: “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself”. Creating the ultimate self and your own world is within YOUR power. Choosing your beliefs and values is up to YOU.
The Holistic Church for Humanists is building a Congregation – or a Community, if you prefer – of people who believe in the importance of ethics and preserving the ecosystem, share humanistic and holistic worldview, a commitment to creating themselves, and supporting one another’s growth. If the above describes you, JOIN the Holistic Church for Humanists!