Monday, March 31, 2025
Statement Posts

Reaction To The Murder Of Tyre Nichols

There were five (the number continues to rise) criminals: deranged, immoral, inhumane; perhaps worst of all acting under the auspices of a Police Department. They’ve beaten Tyre Nichols to death on January 7th 2023. There were several other Memphis Police Department officers who witnessed the brutal beating of Tyre Nichols, stood by and did nothing. They are equally guilty. Inaction equals co-conspiracy.

Tyre Nichols was 29 years old. He had a family who loved him. He had a four-year-old son. He had friends who valued him. He held a job. He had a passion for skateboarding and photography.

He didn’t violate the law; he didn’t commit a crime; he gave the police officers no reason to stop his car; he didn’t provoke their vicious attack and beating in any way.

I didn’t know Tyre Nichols. I don’t know his family or friends. Yet, the video recording of him being beaten to death hurt me deeply.

I can’t imagine the pain of Tyre Nichols’ mother. Knowing that he run toward her home. Knowing that in his last conscious moments he called for her.

Reaction To The Murder Of Tyre Nichols

On behalf of the HUMANIST Holistic Church, my heartfelt condolences go to Tyre Nichols’ loved ones and especially, to his mother. There is nothing I can do or say to alleviate their grief. But there is one thing that ought to give them heart.

There were five or more murderers. There were several other police officers who witnessed Tyre Nichols’ brutal beating and didn’t care. There were two (just updated: three) Memphis firefighters on the ambulance that was called to the scene who waited for seven long minutes before providing care. But there are THOUSANDS who took to the streets in outrage. People of different races, backgrounds, and beliefs; all equally outraged by Tyre Nichols’ death at the hands of several deranged criminals who happened to be members of the Memphis Police Department.

As you grieve, know that thousands (if not millions!) of people throughout the country stand with you. They share your pain and support you. They see the brutality and injustice of your son’s death. They appreciate your pain. They too mourn. They too want to see the perpetrators punished to the full extent of the law.

Nothing can make your burden less. Still in your grief try to take heart in knowing that while some people are soulless, many more have hearts and souls.

Memphis Police Department took swift action. It fired the five officers who attacked Tyre Nichols and disbanded the Scorpion Unit. A few days later all five officers were arrested and charged with murder (as well as additional crimes). The two negligent Memphis firefighters were also fired and their actions are being investigated.

Tyre Nichols’ death is being investigated by The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the United States Department of Justice.

Both, President Biden and former President Barack Obama expressed their condolences to the Nichols family and publicly condemned the actions of the five police officers who murdered Tyre.

The HUMANIST Holistic Church shares the outrage and grief of Tyre Nichols’ family. May our solidarity give you strength and help you heal.


And these are my afterthoughts. Tyre Nichols was black; the police officers who killed him were also black. Discrimination wasn’t a part of their crime.

We are all the same people. We are all vulnerable. We have witnessed (via TV) police brutality many times before. Police brutality betrays the official “serve and protect” police slogan.


What conclusions is the rest of us to draw from the killing of Tyre Nichols?


That other police officers can kill you, me, or someone we love during a frivolous traffic stop or under other circumstances? That we should avoid contact with – and fear the police – just in case?

We are as defenseless as Tyre Nichols against criminals in police uniforms. Scary, isn’t it? Who will be next? You, me, our kids?

I’m all for law and order, but that’s law and order on the streets AND on the police force.

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich, the Founder of the Holistic Church for Humanists: Pastor, author, health nut, friend. Building a refueling station for non-believers. Restoring sanity and wholeness.

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