Saturday, March 29, 2025

Humanist Church

Why a Humanist Church? There may – or may not be – a god in the driver’s seat. We are. Our decisions and efforts shape the here and now. We can’t deny responsibility for our conduct.

We all believe in something. Those who don’t believe in god, believe in common sense.

What’s the “job” of a conventional church? To make the lives of its parishioners easier. God notwithstanding, who wouldn’t want an easier life? This Humanist Church doesn’t stand for philosophical debates or entertainment. It does the job of a church without the pretense of god.

Our Humanist Church has evolved into the Holistic Church for Humanists because Humanism is people-focused but before people, comes the life-sustaining Earth, so respecting, restoring, and preserving the natural environment is a priority. There isn’t one monolith “people”, there are individuals, and the individual who is powerful and yet, vulnerable needs support to unlock his or her incredible potential. And when it comes to both, people and the environment, ethics is required.

The mission of The Holistic Church for Humanists is to make the lives of humanists, agnostics, and atheists easier, better, and more fulfilling. We don’t worship god or people. We support self-empowerment of the individual, champion people, and promote ethics while doing our best to preserve the Earth on which we all depend.

Just because you don’t believe in god doesn’t mean you have to stand alone or deprive yourself of the benefits of belonging. The Holistic Church for Humanists is here for you. Choose to belong!

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