About Holistic Church
Holistic Church for Humanists was founded by Reverend Enrich, the author of the book “Holistic Religion” (published under the penname, Sturm Enrich).
As of this writing, the Holistic Church for Humanists consists of a website, growing Congregation, and a Humanist Holistic Church Podcast.
As the Holistic Church for Humanists’ Congregation grows, an Online group and the opening of a physical location in Los Angeles area are planned.
Once a location is established, the Holistic Church for Humanists will provide full spectrum of services available in other Churches, but – of course! – all of them Humanistic with the Holistic focus.
Among the planned services will be Weekly Humanist Mass, Humanist Sunday School teaching ethics to children; self-empowerment classes for Congregation Members, and Humanist rites of passage celebrations. The Holistic Church for Humanists and its Congregation will organize – and actively participate in – environmental and social community projects.