Monday, March 10, 2025
Holistic Church BlogReligion and Atheism

Atheistic Religion And Atheistic Church

Navigating life is a challenge.

Some take the road well-traveled (theistic religion). It has its benefits: it is forgiving, promises justice and eternal life. All these without much effort required. Theistic religion is available, comforting and survived for Millenia. Believing in the unbelievable is a CHOICE and – I suspect – often a conscious COMPROMISE. To many, the benefits of religion outweigh the compromise involved.

Others prefer to think for themselves. They reject faith in favor of reason. That’s the road less traveled and therefore more difficult. Atheism comes with a price, too. Reason doesn’t make promises, provide comfort or hope.

It’s cool to declare yourself an atheist. But then, what? Saying no to “God” and faith is a decision and statement, not a way of life. Sitting and bitching perpetuates pain and keeps you stuck; it doesn’t move you forward. To proclaim yourself an atheist, apart from the occasional conversation centered on criticizing religion, means standing alone.

Atheistic Religion And Atheistic Church

I can see downsides of religions and religious institutions. But I can also appreciate the historic value of religion. Apart from its many failings, apart from abuses by the clergy, crimes committed in the name of “God” and corruption of the church and clergy, theistic religions in general – and Christian religion, in particular – have made contributions as well. To name only a few: teaching ethics, facilitating catharsis, providing rituals, celebrating life’s milestones, promoting a sense of community.

The times of theistic religion are gradually coming to an end. Still, the need for ethics, catharsis, meaning and community continues.

We should abandon outdated doctrines and condemn abuse of power. But being an atheist and proud may not be enough. We need – and we’ll always need – ethics, catharsis, purpose, inspiration, community and more.

In short, religion as it is has to go. But there is a need for an alternative to fill the need previously satisfied by religious faith. (After all, when we aren’t happy with an invention, we don’t flush it down the toilet but keep improving it until it meets our expectations. Why should it be any different in the case of religion?….)

I am an atheist, I don’t believe in “God”. But I’m not a zealot: not a religious zealot and not an atheistic zealot. I can appreciate the benefits of both. That’s why I created Holistic Religion and established Holistic Church.

Holistic Religion is an atheistic religion. Why a religion? Renouncing “God” and following science doesn’t fill the void left by religion. “There is no ideology or code of conduct to which all atheists adhere.” Atheism isn’t a way of life or a worldview, it doesn’t provide a code of ethics. Holistic Religion does.

Religion used psychology successfully even before psychology as a science existed. One of the most interesting human modus operandi is our ability to adapt. We are compelled to adapt up as well as down. And since much of our lives is spent on auto-pilot, we adapt without questioning what we’re adapting to.

Holistic Religion sets standards worthy of adapting to, standards that benefit the individual, society and natural environment. By adapting to standards that benefit YOU, others and the Earth, you evolve into the best version of YOU. Not for the sake of “God”, not for some institution, but for yourself and those you care about.

Holistic Church is atheistic like Holistic Religion. It is a Church built on values, not faith.

Holistic Church provides a worldview, creates the opportunity for catharsis, teaches self-empowerment and ethics, inspires, motivates, provides rituals, rite of passage ceremonies and supportive community. (Everything that facilitates life and validates emotions.) Hitting the marks, making progress, having a support system is comforting. Life of a Religious Holist has purpose, meaning and value.

Holistic Church is a Church as a care-and-service provider without a hidden agenda. Its holistic agenda is clearly spelled out:

– our world is interdependent: other people and the ecosystem depend on us.

– every human being has the potential to fulfill him or herself and the power to contribute to the world.

– we are mortal; the legacy of a life well-lived outlasts human lifespan.

Holistic Religion and Holistic Church cultivate self-empowerment, not servitude. They emphasize rationalism, human abilities, power and responsibility.

Atheism? Absolutely! But atheism as an alternative life philosophy, not as a constant state of resentment and a reminder that we lost something that was imperfect and yet, used to bring us comfort.

In the world of theistic religions and atheism, Holistic Religion and Holistic Church offer a rational, constructive and emotionally satisfying way of life that preserves the best elements of theistic religions AND atheism. Holistic Religion and Holistic Church are the secular alternative to traditional religion.


Photo credits:
First photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash
Second photo by YODA Adaman on Unsplash

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich, the Founder of the Holistic Church for Humanists: Pastor, author, health nut, friend. Building a refueling station for non-believers. Restoring sanity and wholeness.