Holiday Blues Cure
Most of us, no matter what belief system we ascribe to today, were born and raised in a religious tradition. Nothing magnifies our roots and feelings more than holidays and holiday get-togethers.
Usually, the feelings are positive. The company of loved ones and friends, good food, presents, what’s not to like?
Sometimes however, the happiest time of the year – the Holiday Season – is also when you feel lonely and sad. Christmas seems to be omnipresent: in every store, in the music, in the media. It is hard to miss or avoid.
Sometimes, the festivities open floodgates of the unhappiness and loneliness you successfully conceal year-round.
The Founder of Holistic Church, Reverend Enrich offers tips for overcoming the holiday blues. Listen and you’ll learn how to fill your holidays with joy, even – or especially! – if you’re not in the mood to celebrate.
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