Saturday, March 29, 2025
Holistic Church Podcast

Humanist Angels And Miracles

Christians frequently ask me how can Humanists or Holists live without the belief in angels or miracles. Why would anyone assume that the lack of belief in “god” keeps “angels” or “miracles” away from us?! It doesn’t!

I witness miracles all the time. A nature walk, a change of seasons, a birth, or a new arrival – be it human or animal – is an opportunity to be amazed by the miracles of Nature.

As for angels… People pray for “god’s” or angels’ intervention or for a miracle when they find themselves in danger. Think of WW2 concentration camps or today’s manmade or natural disasters. So many prayed and still pray for miracles. But miracles didn’t – and don’t – come. People did and people do.

These people, who put the needs of those in danger above their own and even above personal safety are real-life angels. They don’t represent a specific religious faith. They were not “appointed” by any “god”. They represent the best of humanity.

Humanist Angels And Miracles

You don’t need to believe in “god” to see actual angels; access to the media does just fine.

Why just the other day in East New York, a young man by the name of Juan DiLone, climbed an apartment building that well-trained and well-equipped firefighters couldn’t scale and saved three small children from a raging fire. Juan is an angel, don’t you think?
#JuanDiLone #AngelsAndMiracles

Chef Jose Andres and his World Central Kitchen are among the real angels. Since 2010 providing free water, comfort food, and warm meals to victims of natural and manmade disasters.

Chef Jose Andres and World Central Kitchen brought relief to those devastated by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico; Hurricane Florence in South Carolina, and many, many others.

They fed Grand Princess cruise ship passengers when it was under quarantine near San Francisco during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eight of Chef Andrés restaurants in New York City and Washington, D.C. were transformed into soup kitchens to support local communities at the height of the pandemic.

Shortly after Ukraine was attacked by Russia, Andrés and World Central Kitchen started distributing meals in Ukraine.

When the catastrophic earthquake hit Turkey and Syria in February 2023 Chef Andrés and World Central Kitchen set up mobile kitchens throughout the area.

Most recently, World Central Kitchen provided food to the survivors of the Tennessee and Alabama tornadoes.

Chef Andrés and World Central Kitchen are performing miracles, whenever and wherever needed.
#ChefAndrés #WorldCentralKitchen #AngelsAndMiracles

I remember a teacher – from a news story a few years back – who used her life savings to finance several students’ college education. She is an angel to the students she supports and to me.

I often think of the beloved artist, Dolly Parton who has done so much not only as an artist but to support literacy, fight cancer, and advance Covid-19 vaccine research.

To me personally, Dolly Parton’s relief efforts for victims of the 2016 Great Smoky Mountains wildfires stand out. It’s well-known that Dolly was one of the country music artists raising funds for the fire victims during a telethon in Nashville. Several days later, however, Dolly Parton organized another telethon of her own (called “My People Fund”) that according to sources raised about nine million dollars. With these funds, Dolly was able to support 900 families with (no questions asked) $1,000 a month for a total of $10,000 for each family. (Rumor has it that she provided further financial support to the families’ children entering college.)

I always loved Dolly Parton, the artist. It’s impossible not to admire Dolly Parton, the human being.
#DollyParton #AngelsAndMiracles

These people – and many others! – are real-life angels. Their positive impact is so spectacular that it’s almost intimidating. Don’t be intimidated!

Humanist Angels And Miracles

Every person has angel potential within them. “Angelhood” doesn’t always require riches, talent, or endangering your life.

Often small gestures such as lending an ear, a kind word, or sharing your skills or stuff with someone who needs it more than you, make a big difference. Try performing small “miracles”, you’ll like it.

Christian angels come with wings, do nothing, and are credited with supernatural powers. The human version is wingless, tangible, and actually performs miracles. Real-life angels are not beholden to an ideology or “god”; they are bold in their empathy. They don’t set conditions, and don’t expect prayers, offerings, or thanks.

We non-theists call our angels, heroes. “Gods” and “angels” can’t compete with them. Our heroes and their deeds can be seen by everyone.

Humanist Angels And Miracles

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich, the Founder of the Holistic Church for Humanists: Pastor, author, health nut, friend. Building a refueling station for non-believers. Restoring sanity and wholeness.

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