Monday, March 10, 2025
Holistic Church Blog

Justice For Eric Garner

Eric Garner, an African American, was killed in Staten Island, New York by New York’s police officers.

For the record, I’m not black and I don’t see Mr. Garner’s death as a racial (or discrimination) issue, but as a HUMAN tragedy. There was unjustified use of excessive force, abuse of authority, lack of common sense and yes, a killing in plain view.

I wasn’t aware of it that selling individual cigarettes is illegal. I am a reverend now but I used to be a smoker. Any time I lit up on the street, I was asked to sell a cigarette. If I had a cigarette to spare I would give it; if I didn’t, I didn’t. I never sold a cigarette. But if I did, I would not have known that I’m breaking the law.
If Eric Garner’s activity was illegal, he certainly didn’t commit a crime punishable by death.

When confronted by police officers, Eric Garner argued. (I’m not defending him, but I’ve seen my share of drivers arguing over a parking or a traffic ticket.) Still, at some point of the exchange with the police, it is clearly visible that he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. Both hands raised are recognized as a sign of surrender worldwide. How could Eric Garner’s raised hands be misunderstood or misinterpreted, beats me.
So after he raised both hands, one of the police officers administered a chokehold. (Yes, I know that the use of chokehold was outlawed while back but that’s not the point here.)  My question is: WHY was force used at all? If the goal of stopping Eric Garner in the first place was to apprehend and / or arrest him, he surrendered. He didn’t fight; he wasn’t aggressive.
Another thing, I can understand and justify use of force when police officers confront a person suspected of violent crime. To the best of my understanding, Eric Garner wasn’t wanted for murder, armed robbery or rape. There was no reason to use ANY force to apprehend Eric Garner: he didn’t resist, he complied.

Even children know that when a playmate says “I can’t breathe” the horseplay stops. In a heated discussion, sport competition and yes, even a fight among adults, the statement “I can’t breathe” stops any interaction cold in its tracks. No matter what side each of the participants may be on, we ALL – differences aside – have to breathe to live. One’s ability to breathe takes precedence over any other goings-on. It is that simple!

A lot of media names one or two of the police officers as liable in the killing of Eric Garner. One or two of them initiated the use of excessive force. I believe however that all the police officers at the scene are equally responsible.
It’s impossible to imagine that not one of them heard Garner say repeatedly “I can’t breathe”. It defies reason that not even one had the gut reaction to let him – or help him – breathe. It’s unimaginable that not one of these young men tried to stop the others from killing. That’s UNBELIEVABLE!

Personally, I don’t care whether you’re yellow, brown, pink or black. Skin color alone doesn’t make you either right or wrong: your actions do. Eric Garner was attacked for no reason, received no relief or first aide when he asked for it and was killed by several police officers in a blatant display of unjustified use of force and lack of common sense.

I didn’t know the victim. I don’t know his family. I don’t know any of the police officers involved. I believe in a peaceful conflict resolution. But I also believe in justice. Where there’s crime, there has to be punishment.

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Reverend Enrich

Reverend Enrich

Reverend Enrich is an Ordained Humanist Minister, author of “Holistic Religion” and Founder of Holistic Church.