Monday, March 10, 2025
Holistic Church Blog

On The Death of Brittany Maynard

Rev. Enrich of Humanist Church speaks about Brittany Maynard’s decision to end her life

To Brittany’s Family: I’m profoundly sorry for your loss. I never met Brittany, but from what I learned about Her: She’s had a charisma, energy and spirit like few others. I know that you’ll be missing Her presence and Her future for many years to come. I know that with Her passing you’re missing a part of yourselves. I stand with you in your grief.

These are the words I’d share upon a person’s passing. Brittany Maynard however wasn’t just “another person”. Her courage and resolve set Her apart from most people. I understand that Brittany was extra-ordinary in life; She remains extra-ordinary in death. She didn’t succumb to a disease that could have robbed Her of Her faculties and tortured Her until certain death. She took control over the disease, the suffering of her loved ones, Herself and Her life. She lived on Her terms and departed on Her terms. She was a beautiful and courageous woman, an impressive human being and a trail blazer.

Vatican has condemned Her decision. I praise it! Stricken by a terminal illness, it would have been Brittany’s burden to contend with Her ever worsening health; the Vatican wouldn’t suffer. The Vatican wasn’t there when She’s been diagnosed or when Her health kept declining. The Vatican didn’t feel Her pain; Vatican didn’t love Her. For the Vatican to pass judgment on Brittany’s FREE WILL is outrageous! Didn’t Jesus say: the one without a sin, cast the first stone? The Vatican preaches but rarely practices ethics.

All I said above didn’t come from my head alone. A Loved One of mine has been in a similar situation as Brittany. We were not aware of the option of a legal, assisted aid in dying in Washington State. I watched the Person that meant the world to me suffer and suffer and suffer till the painful end. I blame myself every day that I wasn’t better, braver or smarter at the time. I was a selfish, passive coward who refused to let go of love. If there was such a thing as an opportunity for a do-over, we’d follow in Brittany’s footsteps.

It’s offensive, disgusting and ridiculous that any “authority” (religious, political or medical) would usurp the right to pass judgment on a decision made by a person facing agonizing death. Only the person facing such a situation and those who love her (or him) have such a right.

I have nothing but respect for Brittany Maynard AND Her Family. I know that you’re grieving and in pain and no one’s words can lessen your pain. Don’t forget however to be proud and relieved by the way Brittany has left. It was Her choice but YOU supported it. YOU were there when She took Her last breath and left in peace. Unlike me, YOU won’t have to carry the guilt of failing Her. Brittany was extra-ordinary. So are YOU: your love for Her transcended your need to hold on to Her at any price.

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Reverend Enrich

Reverend Enrich

Reverend Enrich is an Ordained Humanist Minister, author of “Holistic Religion” and Founder of Holistic Church.