Saturday, March 29, 2025
Holistic Church Blog

Renew Yourself With The Positive Power Of Spring

In the Hebrew religion, Passover honors the survival of Jewish firstborn children and liberation from Egyptian slavery. In the Christian religion, Easter is a celebration of Jesus’s resurrection. Outside of religious faith, Spring is a celebration of a new life, new beginning and new hope. (Fresh greens and eggs are symbols of Spring and the seasonal renewal of life; they aren’t bound to any religion.)

We made it through the short, dark days of Winter. We’re surviving the pandemic. Climate change, the war in Ukraine, current gas prices and raging inflation notwithstanding, we are still here. Things will get better; we can make them better.

Look outside. It’s getting greener, flowers are beginning to bloom, baby birds are hatching. The tiredness and frustration of yesterday is lifting. Nature has a way to renew itself and we are a part of the renewal process.

Open the window, stretch your arms, pretend to take flight and feel life circulating through your veins. You have the mind, will and energy to live, succeed and make a positive impact.

Smile! It’s the season of rebirth and newly discovered power. Spread the word and use your power for good: Happy Spring!

This year’s Spring / Easter picture shows ornamental Ukrainian Easter eggs. Holistic Church supports Ukraine’s fight for freedom: may the atrocities of war end; may the displaced Ukrainian refugees be able to return home, soon. Peace for Ukraine!


Ukrainian Easter eggs photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich, the Founder of the Holistic Church for Humanists: Pastor, author, health nut, friend. Building a refueling station for non-believers. Restoring sanity and wholeness.