Saturday, March 29, 2025
Holistic Church Podcast

Spirituality For Now

As much as it may be comforting to believe that – according to traditional religions – “God” has your back regardless of your actions, the truth is that you’re held accountable every step of the way. Comfort is a good thing. Denial isn’t. We are responsible for our lives and the impact we have.

Traditions and rituals aren’t frozen. They evolve or die. Our spirituality has to keep up. Holistic Church provides spirituality evolved, spirituality for now.

The Holistic Church doesn’t ask anyone to believe in abstracts. No one is asked to check in common sense at the entrance. Acceptable forms of worship include self-empowerment and applied ethics. That’s what spirituality for now has to be.

Why a Church? Because a Church is a community of shared values, here so you don’t have to stand alone. Here, when you feel vulnerable or need help making sense of life’s events. Here, when you look for self-empowerment, inspiration, or motivation. And in the future, here to formally honor special events in your life.


Let’s start it with a bang. Do you remember when Oprah gifted each audience member with a new car? I’d take it further. I’ll give you the world and all life upon it.

How will you manage it? Will you put your own interest above all else to the detriment of everybody and everything else? Or will you approach this complex system like a head of household who has to ensure safe shelter, provide for the most vulnerable family members first, and make sure there is enough food and water to go around? Overwhelming, isn’t it?

Each of us lives for ourselves but since we don’t live on one-person islands, we are impacted by – and impact – other people and the environment around us.

One of the biggest puzzles each of us gets to solve is how to be a soloist and several orchestras member, simultaneously.

It isn’t easy to make one of the roles a masterpiece. How to weave them all together for a life that’s rewarding to you and valuable to the outside world?

This art, the art of synchronizing your different roles well, makes life worth living. What’s the secret?

Spirituality! Spirituality is the belief in something immaterial yet bigger than yourself. To some spirituality is the belief in a supernatural being “God”. But there is another form of spirituality. Ethical values – such as honesty, goodness, empathy, or friendship, to name just a few examples – are also immaterial and bigger than any of us. Unlike the belief in “God” whose presence can’t be substantiated by evidence, the belief in ethical values can be. We all experienced their impact, firsthand.

Some choose to give the power of their beliefs to an abstract; some invest their beliefs in values. After all, who needs an excuse, permission, threat, fear, or penance to be humane?

The Holistic Religion and the Holistic Church are anchored in ethical values. The values we believe in and live by determine the quality of life and make life meaningful.

Here are a few values to get the ball rolling:


Appreciate your body and mind and take good care of them.

Appreciate the contributions others make to your well-being.

Appreciate life and the ecosystem that sustains it.


Be self-sufficient under any circumstances. That’s the only bulletproof way to maintain your personal freedom.

Each of us is standing alone against the world, relationships make us a part of it. Value your relationships.


Empathy – given or received – matters. Empathy affirms our togetherness and mutual effect. It’s a form of empowering responsibility. Accept it graciously. Give it generously.


This much for today.

Follow the Holistic Church’s podcast, familiarize yourself with its values and learn how to develop and use your personal power for yourself, impact and relevance.

Before I go, remember:

You are the now and forever. You are complete. You are great just the way you are. You are the kingdom within. You are the creator of your life. You impact other people. You impact the world and the ecosystem.
Take good care of yourself. You are powerful. Believe in yourself.
Until next week: USE YOUR POWER FOR GOOD.





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#SpiritualityForNow #HolisticChurch #HumanistChurch #SpiritualityEvolved

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich, the Founder of the Holistic Church for Humanists: Pastor, author, health nut, friend. Building a refueling station for non-believers. Restoring sanity and wholeness.

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