Saturday, March 29, 2025
Spiritual Care

The Season Of Renewal

Spring is the season of rebirth, renewal, reinvention, and new beginnings. Many religions celebrate major holidays in spring. Coincidence? Not really, celebrations of life and miraculous events are inspired by Nature because the cycle of new life begins in spring.

After the dim and short days of winter, spring ushers in longer days, more light, new life, new hope, and new expectations. Plants are renewing themselves. Trees grow brand-new leaves. Meadows and lawns are turning green. First flowers are beginning to blossom. Animals are giving birth; there are new chicks, ducklings, and bunnies. Wherever you look, life is beginning anew.

We are also a part of Nature. Every year in spring when we witness renewal all around us, we have a chance to renew ourselves.

The Season Of Renewal

Out with the old, in with the new. Most of us have the need to make changes in spring. There is the spring cleaning. There is the urge to buy a new outfit, change a hairstyle, and so on.

But these changes are quite superficial. Dig deeper. We all have some regrets, disappointments, and failures which weighed on us heavily over the winter months, and suddenly, BOOM: here’s spring and the opportunity for a do-over.

Judaism has an interesting holiday called Yom Kippur, known as the Day of Atonement, which is celebrated in October. Why am I referring here to a religious holiday? Wisdom, you see, can be found in different places and traditions. Religious beliefs aside, Yom Kippur can be seen as a celebration of mental hygiene. Before the actual holiday, the Jews are asking God and people to forgive them for their misdeeds. With forgiveness granted, on the day of Yom Kippur, they start anew with a clean slate.

For us, spring is the time for a spring cleaning. We – especially women – expend a lot of energy deep-cleaning our homes. I recommend spending some time and energy on cleaning our emotions: asking for forgiveness, amending for our wrongdoing, forgiving others, and forgiving ourselves. It’s a lot easier to start anew without the burden of guilt, blame, or resentment.

We are urged to “stop and smell the roses”. I urge you to look in the mirror. You will see a survivor there. Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the person who overcame, mastered, survived, and didn’t give up.

The Season Of Renewal

The frown, the smile lines, none of it is accidental. You earned them all. You are still standing.

You won some battles and you lost some. The “war” is still on. Don’t allow past failures to prejudice you. Losing a battle isn’t the same as losing a war. You are perfectly able to do things better and smarter! Regroup, take stock, reevaluate, adjust, reinvent, and give it a fresh go.

And while we are on the subject of renewal, spring is a great time to breathe some new life into your relationships.

The most tangible ties to the world and humanity are the people in your life. Show your feelings to those you care about; do something special for them – or with them – to remind them why they care about you.

Spring is the beginning of a new chapter. The wait is over. It’s time for action! As Luther Burbank said:

The Season Of Renewal

“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.”

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich, the Founder of the Holistic Church for Humanists: Pastor, author, health nut, friend. Building a refueling station for non-believers. Restoring sanity and wholeness.

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