Saturday, March 29, 2025
Holistic Church BlogSelf-Empowerment

Think Like A Farmer

Holistic Church doesn’t hold meetings to discuss, dwell on or criticize other religions. We believe in tolerance and respect for the beliefs and sanctuaries of others. With that said, we hold different views.

Christian religion uses God as excuse for human failings and lack of responsibility; explanation of pain, suffering and loss and to provide its followers with false hope. In other words, to keep them infantile.

As long as you believe that failings and lack of responsibility are acceptable and forgivable, there is no need to strive to do better. Christian religion says, you’re OK the way you are, stay passive.

As long as you believe that adversity is the act of God, there is no need to overcome it. Pain, suffering, loss? The same. Accept it, and get over it.

As long as you listen to false promises and believe that God will solve your problems, nothing will get better.

Theistic religions and the concept of God itself are here to convince us that we are powerless and have no role in shaping our destinies or our world. They urge us to accept what is, stay as we are, pray and worship.

Is it convenient? Absolutely! But is it true? For as long as you believe in “Higher Power”, you’ll remain powerless, you’ll have no reason to advance or take action and none of your dreams will come true.

Holistic Religion doesn’t delegate responsibility for our lives to “God”. We the people run our lives. We are responsible for what is, what can be and how we cope.

Religious Holists focus on the practice of Holistic Religion’s doctrine that advances ethics, promotes self-empowerment, responsibility and active approach to life. The practice of Holistic Religion (which doesn’t involve faith, God or worship!) benefits ourselves, our communities and natural environment.

Once you realize that YOU are responsible for your own life, lives of others and our Planet’s survival, You’ll change. You’ll take yourself seriously. You’ll value yourself more.
The way you think changes. You are forced to develop, acknowledge and exercise your own power. You are driven to ask the Big Questions. You are compelled to take action.

At some point, you’ll begin to think like the farmer who understands the art of soil cultivation. No farmer sits and hopes for crops. All of them get their hands dirty, prepare the soil, sow, fertilize, irrigate, etc. and only then harvest crops. They invest a lot of effort, overcome adversity and the products of their toil keep us fed.

The farmers earn their keep and their work benefits us all. We, the urban folk, have largely forgotten this principle. Few people are even aware of it that we live for ourselves AND to the benefit of others.

Don’t be afraid to “get your hands dirty”, plan, implement or take action. No one will fight your battles – or achieve your goals – for you. It’s no one’s job to make you happy. Stop hoping: think, plan, follow through and harvest. No one will do it for you. No one else can do it to your liking. Roll up your sleeves!

Don’t despair: find just one bright spot and try to make it big! Don’t accept what is: transform it! Don’t settle: aspire! Don’t just dream: make things happen! Become more. Do better. Share some. YOU can!


Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich, the Founder of the Holistic Church for Humanists: Pastor, author, health nut, friend. Building a refueling station for non-believers. Restoring sanity and wholeness.