Saturday, February 22, 2025
Holistic Church BlogStatement Posts

Why A “Church” Or “Religion”

Holistic Church – based on Holistic Religion – supports spirituality without God. Why then the adherence to such traditional terms as “religion” or “church” which for many people have negative connotations? Because there is no alternative type of secular organization that can provide as profound personal and communal experience as a church.

The fact is:

  • We are losing the sense of belonging.
  • We are losing sources of affirmation.
  • We are losing the right to be vulnerable.
  • We are losing emotional comfort.

Now, “religion” – and by extension, “church” – provides a more emotional personal and communal experience than a secular organization.

We can all use some comforting personal and communal interaction. What is comforting?

  • rituals make life milestones more meaningful
  • encouragement helps us deal with setbacks
  • reminders are an antidote against the “auto-pilot”
  • inspiration is a call to action that affirms us
  • counsel is a type of self-empowerment tool
  • community affirms our sense of self

Yes, there is one more reason ours is a Holistic CHURCH. People gathered in a house of worship act with a reverence. We lower our voices, observe rules, dress respectably, etc. We do all of these and more to honor ”God”, Church building, members of the clergy, congregation, and more.

Why A “Church” Or “Religion”

As the pastor of Holistic Church, I wish every Holist would have the same level of reverence for…. themselves and others. After all, each of us is somewhat of a Church, altar, priest and yes, “God”, all-in-one. Very few people value and respect their real, tangible selves (in themselves and others) as much as the construct of “God” even though each of us knows that coming up with ideas or solutions and acting on them is a HUMAN business.

“Religion”? “Church”? Don’t let the terminology confuse you! There is a “cure” for our ills. A place where we have a permission to be human, imperfect and yet, striving to be more. A place that doesn’t take advantage of vulnerability but nurtures self-empowerment, affirms, provides emotional comfort when needed and helps develop – or recover – power. There is such a place and it is the Holistic Church.


Photo credit Ben White on Unsplash and Jaime Casap on Unsplash

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich, the Founder of the Holistic Church for Humanists: Pastor, author, health nut, friend. Building a refueling station for non-believers. Restoring sanity and wholeness.