Monday, March 10, 2025
Holistic Church BlogSelf-Empowerment

You Are What You Consume

The saying is: “you are what you eat”. That’s true. If you eat unhealthily, you’ll become unhealthy over time. That’s the body’s reaction to what you’re eating.

Just as true: you are what you consume, in general. The stuff you feed your mind and emotions becomes you, too.

You become – or already are – what you accept: someone’s critical opinion of you, someone’s view on a specific topic, someone’s expectations of you, etc. But YOU are the gatekeeper. You get to choose whether to accept other people’s opinions or expectations. Only the stuff from outside sources that you ALLOW to enter your mind and your emotions becomes who you are.

YOU, not life or other people, should decide who you are and who you are becoming. Share on X

You are choosing the “diet” that enters your body, mind and feelings. (Too few of us ask whether the stuff we consume is good for us!)

The “magical” power of adaptation (originally developed to survive extreme conditions or direct threat to life) can work for you or against you. You will adapt, whether you choose what you adapt to or not, because adaptation is a natural survival mechanism.

However, YOU control what you are willing to consume and accept and eventually, adapt to. With that in mind, adapt to meet YOUR expectations, YOUR wants, YOUR goals, YOUR dreams, NOT other people’s.

Other people (the good and the bad ones) have their own agenda. Many of them wish you well. But you have the right to have your own definition of what’s right or wrong FOR YOU! After all, no one knows and understands you better than you know yourself.

Who would you like to be 5 or 10 years from now? The person the world wants you to be? The person your acquaintances would like? The person your parents wish for? The person your spouse would adore? Becoming the person YOU hope to become is on the menu, too! Choose wisely!

You choose what you read, watch or listen to. You choose the people you surround yourself with. You choose your values, convictions and ambitions.

Don’t waste time exploring other people’s preferred versions of you. Invest time creating the you, YOU’ll be proud of and happy with. Pleasing someone, won’t bring you lasting happiness.

Once you know who you are, what you hope for, what you aspire to, what you want and what makes you happy, don’t be persuaded to change yourself or your direction. It’s your life. Don’t let circumstances, “situations” or other people distract you from the destiny you’ve chosen for yourself. Learn, prepare, build the right connections and support network, get the right equipment and hit the road to YOUR top!

Success and happiness aren’t accidental; they are intentionally built. The power we admire in successful entrepreneurs, politicians and artists comes from their self-awareness and commitment to be true to themselves. You wouldn’t be able to convince them to change their direction; they’re likely to convince you to follow theirs…. Are YOU that committed to yours?

Maybe it’s time to try?…


Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich, the Founder of the Holistic Church for Humanists: Pastor, author, health nut, friend. Building a refueling station for non-believers. Restoring sanity and wholeness.