Sunday, February 23, 2025
Holistic Living

You Don’t Have To Be A Christian To Celebrate Christmas

Christmas – as well as other December holidays – coincides with the winter solstice (which takes place on December 21st) and is itself a good reason to celebrate. Why? The days are getting longer; the nights are getting shorter, there is more light and the hope for new beginnings is in the air.

The Earth is alive. You are alive. Many of us enjoy extended time off work during the holidays. It’s a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends; to celebrate and soak up all the love. It’s wonderful to share a festive meal and exchange gifts with loved ones and friends.

You Don’t Have To Be A Christian To Celebrate Christmas.
You can make Christmas a celebration by being HUMANE.

It’s also the time of the year to take stock and reflect on the road ahead. You and I are parts of several interdependent systems. It means that your actions – or inactions! – affect others.

– Survivors of the recent wave of tornados in Kentucky are left with nothing for Christmas
– Those who live in abject poverty (in the United States!!!) go hungry all-year-long
– Homeless people are hungry and suffering in the cold

All of them are just as human as we, our loved ones and friends. I don’t expect you to solve the consequences of social, economic and environmental injustice. I’m merely suggesting that you’ll consider being humane. Had each of us contributed just one item, just $1, or just one hour, chances are NO ONE in America would be shivering in the cold and wishing for a meal.

What did YOU do in 2021 to relieve poverty and hunger? How did you help animals? What was your contribution to preserving biodiversity? How did you reduce your carbon footprint?

With every new year we are evolving into a better version of ourselves. Use your power for good and evolve into a better version of yourself in 2022!

You Don’t Have To Be A Christian To Celebrate Christmas

Happy Holidays to every Caring Human Being
from Holistic Church and Rev. Enrich


Photo credits:
top photo by Levi Bare on Unsplash
the second from the top photo by Mira Kemppainen on Unsplash

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich, the Founder of the Holistic Church for Humanists: Pastor, author, health nut, friend. Building a refueling station for non-believers. Restoring sanity and wholeness.